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Types of Marriage ceremonies


Choosing your wedding formal procedure is one of the most significant decisions you will still generate as a few. It sets the tone for your entire event, and a variety of possibilities to fit your different needs. Allow me to share one of the most popular types of ceremonies:

Religious Ceremonies

A religious wedding ceremony is known as a traditional special event that incorporates religious icons and customs. This is often particularly helpful in case you and your partner are both dedicated to a particular faith. The ceremony by itself may be structured differently than a nonreligious ceremony, and it’s really often done in a community center or perhaps other holy space.

Some faith based wedding ceremonies have a ketubah, or perhaps marriage agreement, which advises the commitment of the couple. They also are the ritual of Sheva Brachot, or seven blessings.

In Jewish tradition, the new bride circles the groom eight times to break down any kind of barriers together. This practice is still employed today, even though it’s a smaller amount common than it was previously.

If you plus your partner are not affiliated with a spiritual denomination or perhaps community, but you want to have a commemoration that reflects your beliefs, a spiritual humanist wedding is an excellent option. These types of ceremonies sometimes draw on spiritual content by wisdom customs, philosophical texts, and other options to form the ceremony.

Culturally-Based Events

These ceremonies usually incorporate elements from a couple’s national, cultural, or social origins. They can be as formal or everyday as the bride and groom would really like them to be.

They may occur in a different position when compared to a traditional wedding ceremony, and they can be done by clergy by multiple faiths or perhaps cultures. They will also be a superb option for couples who are unable to locate a church or other traditional venue.

The officiant can also include several traditional factors that can boost the ceremony, including readings coming from a favorite fresh or composition, music, and a great exchange of vows. These customs are not required, and you could personalize your ceremony with some any of the following:

Unity Candle lights

A candle wedding service is a common approach to symbolize unity within a nondenominational wedding. The officiant may talk to the new bride and groom to light just one candle that symbolizes their love for each different. Guests may then join in by lamps candles and saying a prayer pertaining to the happy couple.


This historic Celtic tradition requires tying the bride and groom’s hands as well as ribbon, and is specifically meaningful in case your wedding takes place outside. It’s also a lovely way to incorporate heirloom fabric or other appreciated items out of your childhood.

Blending the Sands

A “blending of this sands” ceremony is another popular wedding ritual that focuses on the idea of coming together as a the wife and hubby. During this commemoration, each of the participants pores a small amount of sand (often two colors) into a larger container.

Traditionally, this ceremony is performed in Mexico and The country of spain, but it’s increasingly popular in the usa. It’s a great way to celebrate unanimity while adding a fun aspect to the wedding service.